属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-野生水獭 Otters in the wild
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-野生水獭 Otters in the wild
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-非理性信仰 Irrational belief
1 | 这故事令我非常人迷。 | I am extremely fascinated by the story . | |
2 | 这故事令我非常入迷。 | I’m extremely fascinated by the story. | |
3 | 正当人们着迷于乐曲独特的变化时,它却以一小段响亮而令人兴奋的音乐结束了。 | And, just as we have become fascinated by the process in its own right ,the piece evaporates in a tiny flourish. | |
4 | 政府官员不断前来学习访问,民间访客流连忘返。 | Chinese officials have been coming to Singapore on learning trips in droves. Ordinary Chinese are also fascinated by Singapore as a tourist spot. | |
5 | ||1:《水獭国度》是部英国野生水獭的颂典,其散文式风格如水獭自身一般流转。||2: 诗人米丽亚姆. 达林顿从她儿时第一次读到《闪亮的水环》开始, 便对这种神秘动物非常着迷,这本书是加文·马克斯韦尔20世纪60年代创作的经典小说,讲述的是一个与水獭共处的故事。 ||3:“千万不要介意其光滑的外在”她写到,“水獭的魔力早已将我牢牢吸引,我现在仍然渴望能在野外看到水獭。” | ||1: Written in prose as sinuous as the creatures themselves, “Otter Country” is a celebration of Britain’s wild otters. ||2: These elusive animals have fascinated Miriam Darlington, a poet, since childhood, when she first read “Ring of Bright Water”, Gavin Maxwell’s classic 1960 tale about living with otters. ||3: “Never mind the slippery reality it portrays,” she writes, “the spell of its otters took hold of me long ago and I still long to see one in the wild.” | |
6 | ||1:伯德对罗马元老院的着迷不亚于美国参议院。||2:随着元老院的衰退,罗马共和国也灭亡了。||3:它为什么会衰退?因为它变得消极,不再高声疾呼;特别是因为对于凯撒与苏拉,它将财政拱手相让。||4:因此,伯德终其一生——美国历史上任期最长的参议员,包括6年的多数党党鞭,12年多数党或少数党领袖以及20年拨款委员会主席或高级少数党成员——学习,描述,而且巧妙地应用这些规则,使得参议院仍旧是政府的一股力量。||5:他时刻警惕滥用职权和自己受爱戴的内阁的弱点,“共和国之栋梁,美国宪法星座中的启明星和长庚星。 | ||1:The Roman Senate fascinated Mr Byrd almost as much as the American.||2:When it declined, the Republic fell.||3:And why had it declined.||4:Because it had become passive, failed to raise its voice; and especially because it had handed meekly to Caesar and Sulla the power of the pursestrings.||5:Mr Byrd therefore spent his career—the longest Senate service in American history, incorporating six years as majority whip, 12 years as majority or minority leader and 20 years as chairman or ranking minority member of the Appropriations Committee—learning, describing and expertly applying the rules that kept the Senate a force in government. | |
7 | ||1:人们所喜爱水獭为时已久。||2:只是它们习惯夜间出没,很少有机会让人们看到。“水獭透露给人们的信息很少,要了解它们非常困难”达林顿这样写到。||3:“无比神秘”的它们是诗人的灵感之源,也是科学家眼里的谜团,关于这些水族哺乳动物,还有很多东西等着他们去学习。||4:淘气的外表下掩藏的是它们作为英国头等捕手的身份。 | ||1:Otters have long fascinated man.||2:Their nocturnal habits mean they are rarely seen—“otters give so little of themselves it’s hard to know them,” Ms Darlington writes.||3:Their “sublimely secretive” nature makes them a muse to poets and a mystery to scientists, who still have much to learn about these aquatic mammals.||4:Their mischievous appearance belies their status as one of Britain’s top predators. | |
8 | ||1:这两种类型,列维-斯特劳斯说,世界缺了哪种都不行。而两种在他身上都有所体现。||2:他也像杂活工一样,不断在各种行当间跳来跳去:先是放弃了哲学,因为讨厌那些枯燥的道德训诫;后又放弃了法律,只是因为厌倦了;还一直热衷歌颂社会主义,但也是以厌倦收场。当他转向人类学的时候,似乎仍然像一个走进奇异玩意店的好奇的孩子(因为他以往抛弃种种理论就象抛下森林大火留下的焦土一样没有顾忌)。||3:但是他身体里那个富有远见的工程师这时出动了:他在法兰西学院创立了“实验室”,在这个崭新的教席上传播他的社会人类学思想,从1959年开始,直到1982年。他还拿出了四卷名为《神话学》(1964-1971)的鸿篇巨制,在书里,他跟踪了813个神话的传播轨迹,幅度跨越整个美洲大陆。||4:他既喜欢自称为新石器时代的人,也爱说自己是搞科学研究的。 | ||1: The world needed both these types, said Mr Lévi-Strauss. And he embodied both. ||2: He too hopped from subject to subject like a bricoleur, discarding philosophy for its arid moralising, giving up law out of sheer boredom, vaunting socialism until it tired him, turning to anthropology as if he was still a fascinated boy in a curio shop. (He abandoned theories like scorched earth in the forest.) ||3: But the far-sighted engineer in him set up a “laboratory” at the Collège de France, where he held the brand-new chair of social anthropology from 1959 to 1982, and produced the four huge volumes of “Mythologiques” (1964-71), in which he tracked 813 myths the length of the American continent. ||4: He happily called himself both “neolithic” and a man of science. | |
9 | 然而他的最新著作不仅仅是装满了着迷于超自然的他所收集案例的展示柜。而且薛默先生还展示了他感兴趣的是人们是怎么怀有这样的信念以及为什么他们在面对似乎有压倒性证据去反驳他们时还固执己见。 | But his latest book is more than just a display case full of specimens collected by a man fascinated by the paranormal. Mr Shermer is interested in how such beliefs come to be held, and why they can persist even in the face of what, to others, can seem to be the overwhelming evidence that contradicts them. | |
10 | “在上次化学测验中,平均分是57分,”他最近跟我说,“我得了98分…我的教授们都对我崇拜不已。” | "On the last chemistry test, the average score was a 57, " he told me recently. "I made a 98. . . My professors are fascinated by me. " | |
11 | JackDorsey对杂志记者说到:当他是个孩子的时候,他就着迷于地图以及各种机车、警车和出租车。 | Jack Dorsey tells the magazine that as a kid, he was fascinated by maps and mesmerized by locomotives, police cars, and taxis. | |
12 | 阿勃丝着迷于那些局外人的生活,她利用易传染的移情作用欺骗她的模特。 | Fascinated by their outsider lives, Arbus beguiled her sitters with infectious empathy. | |
13 | 阿蒙森从小就读这些方面的故事,他痴迷于英国人约翰·富兰克林对于“西北航道”的探索。而那次探险损失惨重。 | Since reading about it as a boy, Amundsen had been fascinated by Englishman John Franklin’s disastrous search for the Northwest Passage. | |
14 | 从我记事起,我就深深被两件科学探求而吸引:遥远太空和深海。 | For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by two science-y things: deep space and deep sea. | |
15 | 从亚里士多德到伏尔泰再到查理斯·达尔文,这些思想家对蝾螈的再生都十分着迷,尽管他们几乎不明白这到底是怎么回事。 | Thinkers from Aristotle to Voltaire and Charles Darwin have been fascinated by salamander regeneration, though they barely understood it. | |
16 | 达利对犀牛极其着迷,他的多幅画作都以犀牛角为主题。 | Dali was fascinated by rhinos, and several of his paintings featured subjects composed entirely of rhino horns. | |
17 | 但就我之前所说的,尽管我非常热爱科学,但有时我还是希望生活在一个更神奇、更豁达的世界里。 | But as I stated earlier, even though I am fascinated by the science, I sometimes prefer to live in a more magical, philosophical world. | |
18 | 但是家庭压力让他不得不跟他爸爸一样当个医生,接着他就对难产这一问题产生了兴趣。 | But family pressure had induced him to follow his father into medicine, and he began to be fascinated by the difficulties of birth. | |
19 | 但是他陷入政治制度发挥作用的细枝末节的迷潭之中。 | But he’s also fascinated by the details of how the political system works. | |
20 | 但我发现吊诡的是,尽管有负面的偏见,我们这个社会仍然着迷于镀金的生活。 | What strikes me as paradoxical is that, notwithstanding this negative bias, we as a society remain fascinated by the gilded life. | |
21 | 道格拉斯对于写作的技巧十分着迷,用严厉而挑剔的眼光评鉴自己的作品。 | Douglas was fascinated by the technique of writing, and he judged his own work with a harsh and demanding critical eye. | |
22 | 对人类遗传变异的多态性研究吸引了布伦伯格。 | Dr Blumberg became fascinated by polymorphism, the study of inherited variations in human beings. | |
23 | 对于这一段,吴女士解析说,当时贝多芬十分痴迷于巴洛克艺术。 | During that period, Ms. Wu said, Beethoven was fascinated by Baroque forms. | |
24 | 阁楼既让我们感到恐惧,但它的气息和声响又总是让我们着迷。 | We were frightened of the attic but also fascinated by its smells and sounds. | |
25 | 孩子们对墙上的大地图很着迷,非常想知道那上面画的是什么。 | They are fascinated by the big maps we have on the wall and want to know what it means. | |
26 | 很多人都为他写真集第158页里他的樱桃唇而着迷,那也是他自己非常喜欢的一张。 | Many people are fascinated by his cherry lips on the photo on page 158, which is one of his favorites in his photo book. | |
27 | 洪女士被中国设计师所深深吸引是在五年前,当她看到王一扬的时装设计的时候。 | Ms. Hung became fascinated by Chinese designers about five years ago when she saw fashion designs by Wang Yiyang. | |
28 | 几年前,经济学家一度着迷于“硬信息”和“软信息”之间的区别。 | A few years ago, economists were briefly fascinated by the distinction between hard and soft information. | |
29 | 记者们对杰克很感兴趣,因为我们总是设法回答这样一个问题,就是“他是个什么样的人?” | Jack was fascinated by journalists because we tried to answer the question, "What’s he like? " | |
30 | 她慑于他那阴险的眼神 | She was fascinated by his serpent eyes. |